Join Us

We meet on Monday evenings during school term times: 

7:30-9:30pm. At St Margaret’s Parish Centre, Church Lane, Horsforth, LS18 5LA.

We welcome novice and experienced singers.

There is no audition to join the choir.

Reading music is helpful but not essential – lots of our members learn by ear!

Subs for 2023/2024 are £135.00 per year paid in September. (If preferred, this can be paid in three equal instalments of £45.00 at the start of each term).

All members are expected to take part in all four concerts each year and the yearly subs reflect this and are payable by all members.

Anyone who wants to sing with us, but cannot manage this amount, is still very welcome and is invited to let us know in confidence.

Come and try us out! We will only ask you to join as a member after you’ve attended two or three sessions.

For more information, please email us:

For more information, including “frequently asked questions” please see our members section of the website.